Tuesday, December 4, 2007

And Away We Go!!

It's early morning and I am all packed and ready to go. Taking a few moments here to gather my thoughts in the quiet of the morning. I am sure that within a couple weeks all of the anticipation, anxiety and nerves about this adventure will be a dim memory and I will have settled into the life of the touring actor. But today there's still tingles and concerns--did I pack too much? Is my suitcase too big? Did I need to buy that? Do I have enough this or that? Fact is, I will figure it all out as I go. It's really fun to be doing a show like this for the first time at this stage of my life. I can truly appreciate it in view of all the hard work and persistence that got me here. But at the same time, I am still excited and wowed by the whole adventure. Only a sucker for everything about the theatre can understand the giddiness I feel this morning!

Having gotten sick over the weekend, I am on the road to recovery but not 100%. The antibiotics are doing their thing and all I can do is ease my way to East Lansing, MI with as little effort as possible, and show up ready to work (sniffles and all) tomorrow morning for my first rehearsal. All will be well. I feel extremely grateful to all my friends, family and colleagues who have believed in me and who are rooting for me as I embark on this journey. You are in my heart! And away we go...

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