Week Four: Washington, D.C.
Well, it's Boxing Day and I hope that everyone had a great Christmas. Or Kwanzaa, or Solstice Celebration, or whatever gets you festive and happy. My Christmas was very low key. After the rigors of my first week and nursing a pulled muscle in my back, I decided to just lie low for the most part. Christmas Eve I took myself to a nice dinner in Georgetown at a lovely French restaurant and wine bar called Bistro Lepic. The place is charming and the staff very French and very serious about providing an excellent experience. I indulged in the pre fixe menu complete with Bouche de Noel for dessert, and enjoyed champagne and wine, and a nice B&B with dessert. My young waiter was excellent, very helpful in choosing wine etc, and I think has a bright future as a sommelier (sp?). I left with a warm glow and walked down to the movies where I saw "Sweeney Todd." Not the most upbeat subject matter for a Christmas Eve (revenge, throat slitting and cannibalism) but it was the movie musical event of this season. Unfortunately, I felt it was not much fun and should have been. Johnny Depp and Helene Bonham Carter were very fine, but overall I felt that there wasn't enough of the vigorous black humor that the original show had. The score, or the pieces of it they kept, sounded really great. It was worth seeing but didn't blow me away.

Christmas Day was spent mostly in my hotel suite. My body can't seem to get enough sleep to make up for last week! I got up late and cooked myself a delectable champagne brunch with mimosas, french toast made from homemade walnut raisin bread, an exotic fruit salad. Anyway, I took a photo of it I was so proud! It is possible to have a very lovely quiet holiday by oneself and really enjoy it. The R&R were just what the doctor ordered. In the afternoon I spent some time with a few cast and crew people who had chosen to stay in DC. An indulgent food fest at which I got to know some people better and it got me out of my little hotel cave for a couple hours! It was a quiet and very satisfactory holiday.
I am glad I can now begin to share some of the pictures I have taken along the way here in D.C. Took a few shots during our final two show day before the Christmas holiday. The mood was very festive at the theatre. Our company manager and stage manager were in Santa hats, the ensemble put on parkas and sang carols in the hallway outside my dressing room, and the Knight of Ni came on with tinsel garland on his antlered helmet. We pumped out our evening show for a lively crowd, shook off the confetti and dropped our sweat drenched costumes. Then people began to go their various ways for the holidays. The holidays really brought out the spirit in our company. That night in the Metro station one of my castmates got on the phone with one of the girl's mothers and sang Karen Carpenter's "Merry Christmas Darling" to her. I have a feeling that once my initial exhaustion is past and I get stronger and stronger in the part I will be experiencing a lot of special moments amongst these talented and kooky people.

So the photos here include a shot of me in full Sir Robin regalia (how bout that wig?); a photo of me and Robert Petkoff, the wonderful actor I replaced in the role who is currently on Broadway with the show; and a shot of me and Lynn, my terrific dresser who always makes sure I have just what I need to get my job done. She's just great. As I get more into the tour, there will be more pictures and updates to the website so look for those. I am delighted that I have received a couple enthusiastic emails from folks who have seen the show here in DC. Your compliments and good wishes mean the world to me and I am so glad you enjoy the show! I was tickled to sign my first autograph at the stage door the other night. A lovely young woman named Rachel approached me with a pen and a poster, not at all sure who I had played in the show (we are all pretty well disguised) and when I told her, she lit up and said, "Oh! You were my FAVORITE!". Now who would not love that??
Well, friends, I need to start thinking about detoxing from my holiday indulgences and warming up and gently getting my sore back ready for the show tonight. My thoughts and prayers were with all my friends and loved ones this Christmas and I hope you had a great time. I will post again come New Year's Eve if not before!
My 16 year old son wanted tickets to Spamalot for his birthday. We saw it in DC last week and loved it! Sir Robin is my favorite character. You did a great job!!
I bet you didn't actually think anyone would read the who's who and check your website, but I did.
I loved the show!
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