Friday, December 14, 2007

All For One...?

Week Two: Washington, D.C.

Ah, to be back in Washington! Having lived here three years ago as a grad student, returning to this city in the midst of the arduous preparation for my debut in "Spamalot" has been very comforting. Washington is quite a beautiful city in many ways and the Dupont Circle area where I am staying is especially lovely. The wonderful mix of architecture, from Renaissance Revival to Art Deco, the broad avenues, the smell of woodsmoke in the crisp chill air. D.C. seems to be swathed in garland, red velvet and twinkle lights and I think it will be a very nice place to spend the holidays.

This week I continued my rehearsals, working at last with Ken Davis, our Production Stage Manager, who returned very tan from helping to mount the Australian production. From the excitement and affection effusing from the company, I can tell he is well liked and respected. And of course he knows this show inside and out. Once I had my staging and had done more intensive work with our Maestro, Ben Whiteley, on the music, and continued to drill dances with Graham on the stage, I got to rehearse scenes with the other principals, who have all been very supportive and lovely. Today was the "put-in" rehearsal, a chance to do the big group numbers with the full company and work with some of the important set pieces and props. I know I have a good grip on things but mental strain and physical weariness have made me something of a bundle of nerves. I have gotten pats on the back from all and sundry and feel very appreciated. I have a few days to let things settle, to rest and review and just get myself focused for my opening in the show next Tuesday.

A couple D.C. snapshots:

On my way to the theatre on the Metro and across from me is a large lady reading a book. The title? "The Quest for the Holy Grail." Hmmm. Got off the train and was riding the escalator to the street and behind me there were three women having an animated conversation. One of them said, "I want to see "Spamalot!" Second lady: "Camelot?" Other two, in unison: " NO! SPAMALOT!"

Standing at one of the many stop lights in Dupont Circle and looked over at the young woman next to me chatting on her cell phone. She had written her shopping list on her hand in ballpoint pen. It read, 'Coffee. Milk. Truffle Oil.' You know you're in a cosmpolitan city when you see something like that!

Well, folks, for better or worse I go on as Sir Robin next week. Pray for me! More as we get closer to opening night...

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