Monday, November 12, 2007

What's that on your head?

A wig! Today I was measured for the three wigs that will be made for me to wear as Sir Robin and others. The wigs are designed by David Brian Brown, a very accomplished designer who has done many Broadway shows and was nominated for an Emmy for "Angels in America." I went to his studio where he wrapped my head in Saran Wrap and adhesive tape and scribbled on it with a Sharpie. When he slid the concoction off my head, it was revealed as a transparent mold of my head, on which the wig makers in London will build the wigs! Amazing. Then David draped various switches of strawberry blond and light auburn hair over my forehead in a series of bangs that, well, made me look a little Jane Wyman frankly! But I know David will give me that signature Sir Robin look, and on the wall nearby David Hyde Pierce smiled down from a "Spamalot" photo, sporting his strawberry blonde mane. And he didn't look the least Jane Wyman. I almost had to pinch myself to realize that I am actually going to be playing Mr. Hyde Pierce's role in less than two months...

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