Every city has its beauties. Sometimes you just have to go hunt them down. Downtown Providence (or "Down City" as they call it here) had fallen into a bad state and it is experiencing a renaissance, with lots of restaurants, clubs and hotels. Still it is an area in transition. Up above the downtown area is the historic College Hill district, with beautifully restored Colonial and Federal homes as well as a few Victorians. I went for a walk along Benefit Street, the main drag through this neighborhood. The houses are just wonderful, and all with plaques giving the name of the original owners; people with names like Duty Adams and Samuel Staples. America's first Baptist church is in this neighborhood as well as the John Brown house and among other things, the Rhode Island School of Design.

I have not gotten to do a whole lot in Providence as we are in rehearsals to integrate some new actors into our production. Add to that busy activity the fact that it is Michael Siberry and Jeff Dumas' last weekend with us, so there are all sorts of events to send them off in style. Our producer came to the show here as well as both of our assistant directors. My agent, Jim Flynn, came up from New York to see me and it was great to share the success with him. I admire Jim a lot. He put himself through law school while working as an agent, and he has great integrity and really likes uniquely talented, well trained actors. We took production photos this week with Joan Marcus so before too long I should have some nice Robin images to share! All in all, it has been a busy week. In the tradition of my blog to date, here is a photo of me with my Providence dresser, Bethany. I didn't get to know too much about Bethany; she was a very quiet girl. But she politely laughed at my jokes so she's okay in my book!

I think I am finally getting my legs under me in the show and in the tour. Nothing can really prepare you for an experience like this--you just have to take the plunge and roll with it, learning as you go. Sustaining oneself and making sure one has the energy, the health and stamina for the job is a constant project. There are no real days off, one is moving in and out of strange hotel rooms, sleeping in strange beds, and finding one's meals on the fly or making simple ones in the hotel room. Taking time to explore a place a little, or read a book, go to the gym or simply do nothing can make the difference when one has to summon up the energy every night to pump it out for another appreciative crowd. None of this is for the faint of heart! I have been blessed thus far to have been able to see special people from my life in every city I have been to thus far. I have reconnected with some really wonderful people through this and that is a great blessing. More from the land of sweets, Hershey, PA, this coming week, friends.
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